Kinera Celest Wyvern Abyss a nine headed dragon with a subwoofer. The Celest Wyvern Abyss is a striking new addition to the budget IEM market complete with an intriguing story printed on the cover when opening the box.. its said that its inspired by the mythical Wyvern, a creator god from Chinese mythology. This godly figure is credited with creating the earth and summoning forth the Phoenix and Qilin. Reflecting this legend, the Wyvern Abyss boasts 3D-printed resin material cavities adorned with dragon wing designs, making it one of the most visually captivating IEMs from Celest. Drawing from the ancient Chinese myth of Wyvern—also known as Feilong or Huanglong Celest has crafted the Wyvern Abyss with exceptional attention to detail. The Wyvern, a god dragon with nine heads, wings, and the ability to control the weather, serves as the perfect insperation for this IEM design. The Wyvern Abyss features medical-grade resin ear shells with faceplates that depict the scales of Wyv...